
Friday 12 April 2013

Different Terms Definitions of Management

Definition of Group :-Two or more freely interacting people with shared norms and goals and acommon identity
Formal group:-Formed by the organization
Informal group:-Formed by friends or those with common interests.
Group Cohesiveness:-A "we feeling" binding group members together
Roles Expected behaviors for a given position.
Role overload:- Others' expectations exceed one's ability
Role conflict:-Others have conflicting or inconsistent expectations
Role ambiguity Others' expectations are unknown
Norm Shared attitudes, opinions, feelings, or actions that guide social behavior
Task roles :-Task-oriented group behavior.
Maintenance roles Relationship-building group behavior
Groupthink:- Janis's term for a cohesive in-group's unwillingness to realistically view
Social loafing:- Decrease in individual effort as group size increases.
Team Small group with complementary skills who hold themselves mutually
accountable for common purpose, goals, and approach
Team viability :-Team members satisfied and willing to contribute
Trust Reciprocal faith in others' intentions and behavior
Propensity to trust A personality trait involving one's general willingness to trust others
Cohesiveness A sense of "wane" helps group stick together.
Socio-emotional:-cohesiveness Sense of togetherness based on emotional satisfaction.
cohesiveness:- Sense of togetherness based on mutual dependency needed to get the job done
Quality circles Small groups of volunteers who strive to solve quality-related problems.
Virtual team Information technology allows group members in different locations to conduct

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