
Saturday 6 April 2013

Management System

Managing Systems
Another way to look at the manager’s job is from the perspective of managing systems.
A system is a set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified
whole. It’s a concept taken from the physical sciences and applied to organizations.
The two basic types of systems are
Closed systems are not influenced by and do not interact with their environment.
Open systems dynamically interact with their environment.
Today, when we call organization systems, we mean open systems, that is, an organization that constantly
interacts with its environment.
The systems theory approach is based on the notion that organizations can be visualized as systems of
interrelated parts or subsystems that operate as a whole in pursuit of common goals. This will be discussed
in more detail in the next session.
1. The major components of a system are:
a. Inputs: the various human, materials, financial, equipment, and informational resources
required to produce goods and services.
b. Transformation processes: the organization’s managerial and technological abilities that are
applied to convert inputs into outputs.
c. Outputs: the products, services, and other outcomes produced by the organization.
d. Feedback: information about results and organizational status relative to its environment.
2. Open versus closed systems. These are terms indicating the relative degree with which a system
interacts with its environment. While there are very few, if any, completely open or completely
closed systems, we usually view open systems as those having continual interaction with its
environment. Closed systems are those with little interaction and feedback from their
3. Two major characteristics of open systems are:
a. Negative entropy is the ability of open systems to bring in new energy in the form of inputs
and feedback from the environment in order for the organization to delay or to arrest entropy,
the decaying process.
b. Synergy is the ability of the whole to equal more than the sum of its parts.
c. The systems viewpoint suggests that managers are likely to be more successful if they attempt
to operate their units as open systems rather than as closed system.

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